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Job Details

<hr class="hr-wide">\n\n        \n    <h2>Senior Power Supply Design Engineer - (80086)</h2>\n\n                <div id="instructionContainer" class="well collapse mar-top">\n


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\n","datePosted":"2023-03-17T17:14:14.143Z","validThrough":"2025-06-10","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Sanmina Corporation","description":"Sanmina Corporation is a leading integrated manufacturing solutions provider in the Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) market, offering end-to-end solutions for OEMs across various sectors including communications, defense, aerospace, medical, and automotive. The company is recognized for its technological leadership and commitment to quality, with a global footprint that enhances its ability to serve clients effectively. Sanmina's extensive capabilities include design, engineering, manufacturing, and logistics, making it a preferred partner for high-tech OEMs seeking comprehensive support throughout the product lifecycle.","numberOfEmployees":21676,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Kanata, Ottawa, ON, Canada"}},{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"San Jose, CA, USA"}}],"sameAs":"","url":"","logo":"","keywords":"Consumer Products, Hardware, Manufacturing"},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India"}}}

Senior Power Supply Design Engineer

Sanmina Corporation

Sanmina Corporation

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Posted 6+ months ago
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Job Details

Senior Power Supply Design Engineer - (80086)

This details all the information about the job posting.
Category (For Job Seekers)
61101 - GGS Chennai TN IND - Chennai, TN 600 045 IN (Primary)
Job Description

Job Description

Power Supply Design Engineer

The Sr. Power Supply Design Engineer will be responsible for detailed design and documentation of switch mode DC/DC, AC/DC converters, DC/AC inverters and power factor correction utilizing latest power topologies and technology.  

Product sectors:  Enterprise computing, medical, automotive, communication and commercial

Nature of Duties:

·Generate reliable, cost effective, high efficient, manufacturable power supply design solutions that meet or exceed the needs of customer applications

·Creation of electrical block diagrams, architecture diagrams, schematics, circuit analysis, and design presentations

·Proficient on DC/DC conversion, AC/DC front ends, DC/AC inverter, control theory and loop compensation, use of latest wide band gap (WBG) technology including GaN Fets and magnetic design

·Schematic design capture and  PCB layout using CAD software

·Interface with manufacturing and quality assurance personnel in establishing quality requirements for power supply products

·Aid in generating technical papers, technical articles, patent disclosures, and technical discussions under the guidance of more experienced engineers

·Participate in the development of production tooling and assembly fixtures to enable error-proof and cost-effective production of power supplies

·Ensure compliance and safety standards related to power supply design are met

Education and Experience:

·Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering

·Minimum five (5) years of power electronics engineering experience in medical, automotive, telecom and consumer applications

·Experience in the following power supply designs

  • Switching power
  • Low power DC to DC power
  • High voltage power
  • Control loop
  • magnetics

·Strong PCB design and layout skills

·Knowledge of simulation tools: Matlab, PSpice/LTspice and major CAD tools

·Product designs for manufacturing, DF

·Knowledge of EMI, safety rules and regulations

·Design compliance with all applicable governing regulatory standards (UL, CE, ISO, etc.) Mil and DO-160 standards is preferred

·Project management experience is preferred

·Strong verbal and written communication skills 

Last sync: 2023-09-26 04:15:17