Resource Planner
Resource Planner
- Audit & Assurance
- Rotterdam
- Bachelor (HBO/WO)
Being a trusted partner in Resourcing, enabling Audit & Assurance to make an impact that matters on protecting the public interest. At Deloitte.
W h a t i m p a c t w i l l y o u m a k e ?
H o w d o y o u d o t h i s ?
- proactively monitoring resourcing levels and staff distribution against engagement budgets and requests;
- executing the annual plan process, working closely with senior stakeholders;
- resolving and managing the process around shortfalls and planning clashes;
- creating and analyzing resourcing data and interpreting trends to support data-based decision making;
- managing incoming requests and making sure the Resourcing system is always up to date and data is accurate;
- working together on national level with focus on knowledge management and systems and reporting;
- pro-actively thinking along and advising about processes and systems.
W h a t ’ s i n i t f o r y o u ?
- You’llreceiveaprofit-sharingbonus.Ontopofyourfixedsalary.Continuousprofessionalgrowth.Joinourdevelopmentprogram.
- Awork-from-homeofficesetupallowancetomakesureyouhaveeverythingyouneedforanergonomicallydesignedworkstationandinternetallowance.Workpart-time(32hoursaweek)orfull-time(40-hoursaweek).
What’s in it for you?
- You’llreceiveaprofit-sharingbonus.Ontopofyourfixedsalary.
- Continuousprofessionalgrowth.Joinourdevelopmentprogram.
- Awork-from-homeofficesetupallowancetomakesureyouhaveeverythingyouneedforanergonomicallydesignedworkstationandinternetallowance.
- Workpart-time(32hoursaweek)orfull-time(40-hoursaweek).
- Flexibleworkinghours,youareinchargeofyourowncalendar.
- 26daysofpaidannualleave,andtheopportunitytopurchaseadditionalleave.
- Theoptiontoexchangethreenationalholidaysforthreenon-nationalholidays.
- Agoodmobilityscheme:thechoiceofvariousoptionssuchasaleasecar,travelbypublictransport,acashoptionoracombinationofthese.
- AlaptopandiPhone.TheiPhonecanbeforpersonaluse.
- Atimefortimearrangementthatcreatesflexibilityforpersonalmomentsthatmatter.
- Agoodpensionschemewithapersonalcontributionofonly2%.Foracomfortablefuture.
- Anopportunitytotakepartinourcollectivehealthinsurancescheme.
- Anopportunitytobenefitfromtax-efficientfacilitiessuchasfitness,abicycleschemeortheopportunitytoleaseabicycle.
- Theopportunitytouse55hoursofbabysittingservicepercalendaryear,ifyourchildis12yearsoldoryounger.
- Aflexiblebudget,whichyoucanusetomakechoicesinflexiblebenefits,forexample:purchasingextraleavedaysorfinancingabicycleplan.
- Sixweeksoffullypaidbirthleavefortraditionalhouseholdsandrainbowfamilies.
B e t h e t r u e y o u
- an HBO/Bachelors degree or equal through experience;
- at least 4 years of relevant work experience;
- business acumen and understanding of the audit practice;
- strong analytical skills;
- an understanding of portfolio growth plans;
- great communication skills;
- strong MS Excel skills;
( W ) h e r e
- ‘Presentingdatainaninsightfulwayissuchanamazingchallenge.’
Mitchell Burgersdijk
Manager Audit Analytics
'AsaChampionwithintheITAuditInitiative,IsupportteamsandclientstoderivemorevaluefromITsystems,bothforteamsaspartoftheirauditapproachandforclientstostrengthentheirbusiness.'Marvin de Ronde
Senior Manager NL Project team IT Audit Initiative
- 'Workingwithmotivated,intelligentandinnovativecolleagueseverydayiswhatisgreataboutworkingatDeloitte.'
Ymke Roosjen
Senior Manager
C o n n e c t y o u r f u t u r e t o D e l o i t t e
A p p l i c a t i o n p r o c e s s
Application process
We are looking for driven professionals, with a passion for their profession and ambition to continue to develop themselves. By means of the steps below we try to find out as much as possible about you and your knowledge and skills. The recruiter will guide you through this process.
Step 1: Preparation
You can apply for our vacancies online or send us an open application. We will ask you to tell us a bit more about yourself, such as your name and address, for example, and information about your educational background. You can upload your CV and a motivation letter. We will send you confirmation when we have received all your details.
Step 2: Resume and motivation
One of our recruiters will assess your details and determine whether you fit the profile of the vacancy you are applying for.
Step 3: The assessment
When a recruiter sees enough of a match with your profile, we will ask you to complete an online assessment. By playing four online games, we can see which qualities and talents you possess and whether they align with the position you've applied for.
Step 4: The interview
Depending on the scores of the career scan, you will be invited to a first interview with the recruiter. The first interview is conducted with a recruiter and someone from the team. We are curious about who you are, what you have done, and what your expectations are of a new job. We also give you more insight into what we are looking for, and what the responsibilities are that belong to the vacancy. If both you and Deloitte would like to talk further, we invite you for a follow-up interview. In this conversation, we dive deeper into the content. What is your talent and what skills do you master? You may receive a case study during one of the follow-up interviews.
Step 5: The offer
When all conversations have been satisfactorily completed (for both parties), an offer will follow. The recruiter will draw up the contract for you which you will receive digitally.