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Find your next tech job in Kanata North, Canada’s largest technology park. Then explore endless international opportunities and dream about where your career will take you. With the Country’s largest density of technology companies ranging from promising startups to leading global giants, Kanata North is the place to be if you are serious about a career in tech.
Ability Studio
Ability Studio


Kanata, Ottawa, ON, Canada

founded in


In 2007, Bruce opened Ability Registered Massage Therapy in the heart of Kanata North’s business park. The clinic had one treatment room that treated clients while he continued to expand the facility. Over the years, Ability transformed from a one room clinic into a five room facility that offered therapists training, financial aid and a support system encouraging professional development. In 2010, Rose purchased Ability and expanded its services to include Traditional Chinese Medicine, thus adopting its current name. Along with our talented staff, we have a much larger network of health care professionals that we work with if you needed something more than we normally offer. We work with physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, nutritionists, naturopaths, pilates and yoga instructors, meditation, hypnosis and reiki healers, psychologists, social workers and dentists. Our network is expanding and to go beyond your expectations when it comes to referring to another specialist.

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